Please note, the site shop is closed during the site rebuild.

If you need anything, or would like to book to have your ear impressions taken, please send me an email and I'll do my best to help.
Or feel free to give me a call on 07909 923 573.
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I specialise in taking impressions for and supplying Custom In-Ear Monitoring systems, custom earphones, noise protection earplugs and coms systems.
I also supply all the useful little bits and bobs to keep your monitors and ears happy!!
I work closely with the IEM manufacturers to make sure my impressions are what they need to make the best fitting monitors they can.
I am based in Chesham in Buckinghamshire.
Your ear impressions can be taken at your home or place of work or you can come to me if you prefer. Appointments can be made for daytime or evening including weekends. Although I'm normally gigging Fridays and Saturday evenings.
I can provide the perfect In-Ear Monitors for Singers, Guitarists, Bass players, Drummers, Keyboard players, Strings, Brass, in fact anyone who wants the best sound whatever they play, or even if you after the ultimate in listing experience.